Last semester's post

First of all, I must say that I love writing, since this is another way of expressing feeling and ideas. I had had blogging experience before this class, and I really like it. I think that sometimes write about what you feel or think could be really useful for everybody.

About blogging in the class, I think it was great. It’s a good way to practice reading and writing skills. What is more, it is a way of breaking the routine. I mean, there is no reason to stay always in the classroom looking at the book. Is there?

There are many ways to improve our knowledge, with different methodologies. Each time, there are more and more sources to be used. So, let’s take advantage of them.

In general, I have liked the methodology used this semester. It has been more dynamic, funny and useful at the same time, even considering the nastiness that teacher shows at times with some of us. Jajakjakaja! Especially about time, the hour of arriving, etc. Little unfair, but doesn’t matter.

Certainly, it has helped me to improve my English skills. I think that by using blogs, you can learn from others, and you can also know more about your classmates thinking, interests, etc. It could be useful to establish better relationships as well. Obviously, I’ll continue using both of my blogs. I have always had a thing about writing, so I can’t stop doing it. It’s one of the things that I enjoy the most.

About my weaknesses and strengths

I think that my weakest part of English is the oral. I mean speaking. And, I consider that there could have had more opportunities to practice it. Anyway, it’s ok. I know it is just a matter of practice.

I feel satisfied about the teacher performance and mine too. I know I can more but, this semester wasn’t the best for me to get it.

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Joty, you always being so funny. In my opinion you are the nicer person in our section.

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