
Finally, everything has been finished... It was hard. I thoght I couldn't do it. But, I did it. Every single subject! Now, I will just wait for the results. At least I have already did everything.
So, let's enjoy the holydays and look for a job to do it properly jakajakaj! 1313..

Get ready for the next semester that it will be even harder..
Good luck dear classmates and teacher.

Love everybody!
Last semester's post

First of all, I must say that I love writing, since this is another way of expressing feeling and ideas. I had had blogging experience before this class, and I really like it. I think that sometimes write about what you feel or think could be really useful for everybody.

About blogging in the class, I think it was great. It’s a good way to practice reading and writing skills. What is more, it is a way of breaking the routine. I mean, there is no reason to stay always in the classroom looking at the book. Is there?

There are many ways to improve our knowledge, with different methodologies. Each time, there are more and more sources to be used. So, let’s take advantage of them.

In general, I have liked the methodology used this semester. It has been more dynamic, funny and useful at the same time, even considering the nastiness that teacher shows at times with some of us. Jajakjakaja! Especially about time, the hour of arriving, etc. Little unfair, but doesn’t matter.

Certainly, it has helped me to improve my English skills. I think that by using blogs, you can learn from others, and you can also know more about your classmates thinking, interests, etc. It could be useful to establish better relationships as well. Obviously, I’ll continue using both of my blogs. I have always had a thing about writing, so I can’t stop doing it. It’s one of the things that I enjoy the most.

About my weaknesses and strengths

I think that my weakest part of English is the oral. I mean speaking. And, I consider that there could have had more opportunities to practice it. Anyway, it’s ok. I know it is just a matter of practice.

I feel satisfied about the teacher performance and mine too. I know I can more but, this semester wasn’t the best for me to get it.

PVC's News
How to get ahead in Business without really trying?

How to get ahead in Business without really trying?

Who wouldn’t like to be promoted or earn lots of money by doing almost anything and having great times at the workplace? I’d like to.

Reading the Brisbane time newspaper, I found this fantastic article which is about the new book of Stanley Bing subtitled "A Survival Guide to the New Workplace”. It comes out on November 17, and it has included lot of advices to enjoy more being in the workplace. Some strategic tips such as how to delegate, how to identify a remote problem to justify an expense-paid business trip, how to establish better relationships with colleagues, etc.

Stanley Bing said that the secret is learning and adapting the tricks of powerful, successful people, noticing how these people manage their time and careers. "A Survival Guide to the New Workplace” is a handbook for people who haven't yet attained what they would consider powerful status, to be able to use some of the same tricks that their bosses do and make it work.

I chose this piece of new because I think is important to have some strategies to love your job a little bit more. It’s the place where you spend almost your whole day, so would be a great idea to be more cheerful there. To have great time while working is more important than not do anything there. Job is an important factor in how your mood goes everyday. I think that using some of these strategies we can avoid having social conflicts and also being stressed.

Chilean society presents high percents of stress problems and unemployment what can also be related to how we cope and feel in the workplace. So, I’d really recommend this book to everybody, especially Chilean society.

The science of sleep

To begin with, I need to say that there are many movies I've really enjoyed. It's difficult to choose just one. But, today I'm going to talk about "The science of sleep". It's a 2006 French movie, which was written and directed by Michel Gondry. It has as main actors Gael Garcia Bernal and Charlotte Gainsbourg. I sow it by first time around two years ago. The first reason why it liked me is because the handsome actor it had *.* jaja. But, what is more, is the storyline. it's so cute. Well, if you like love movies it is. The main character is Stéphane Miroux (Gael Garcia Bernal), a young man whose vivid dreams and imagination often interfere with his ability to interact with reality. He secretly fell in love with the girl next door. But, while he is sleeping he starts doing weird things. He goes to the girl’s house, kiss her, and then he can’t remember anything. He always gets confused about what has really happened and what has happened just in his dreams. When, the girl realizes everything. She thinks he’s crazy. But, finally everything is cleared up and they stay together. I can’t say anything else, because I want you to watch it.

The science of sleep is a very lovely and surrealistic movie. It really liked me just because of that. I love the way Stephane thinks and dreams. He has a wonderful imagination, is tender, and he is also kind of crazy like me jajaja!

Have you seen this move? If you haven’t I recommend you to do it!


First of all, I want to say that the site was very interesting. I have tried it before, and I think that it’s great to find or realize new things about your personality which you didn’t know or haven’t thought before.

About my results, I took some sentences that I think are closer to my personality:

• You don’t like to take things too seriously. For you friendship is all about enjoying yourself and seeing the funny side of life. When you think of freedom, you think of hanging out with good friends. You are always happy to make the first leap.

Life is just one. Certainly, we all need to be responsible and think of the future, but it’s also necessary to have fun and enjoy your daily life. I invite you to sunrise and don’t look things too big, because they aren’t. Everything is possible.

• You can see beauty in the most unlikely places. When it comes to art, you are definitely unconventional.

• When it comes to drinking, nothing beats a night out with your mates. After all, you work hard and deserve to unwind.

• Beach or city you always find the best places to enjoy, and often stay up to watch the sunrise.

If you want to have a great time with your family or friends doesn’t matter the place. The important thing is being with people you really love and feel comfortable. It’s wonderful to enjoy the simplest things of live with the ones you love. There are more than just material things or beautiful places.

In general, my test’s result was great. I didn’t found many errors on it. I really enjoy spending time with people who I love wherever we do.
Do schools kill creativity?

In the talk listened, Ken Robinson states that our Education system has mined our minds, closing many possibilities of learning. I personally believe that it's true. By giving importance just to the subjects considered as the most important or "useful" ones, such as math and history to name a few. Education system has been losing important capacities students have as CREATIVITY. There are students that are really interested in music or art which are subjects that increase creativity, but are not much important at schools.

It seems like we are being educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. It's the same topic that has being calling my attention in TIPE.
Nowadays, people don't look for learning going to the schools. They look for a degree just to have a good job and money in the future. Schools’ goal should be more than that. Schools mold the society. The idea is to form people interested in their reality, honest, worried for what is going around, creative and what is more important with critic thinking.

On the other hand, creativity is as important as teacher’s knowledge in education. Teachers and we need to be creative. We don’t have to be scared of being wrong. Being wrong is not the end of the world. Actually, by being wrong we learn.
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