
I have always had a thing about education. It's like people call vocation?.. For me to be studying English pedagogy is more than just get a diploma and start working, inserting myself in a working routine. Education is more than that. It's more than a trade or profession. It's a contribution to the society. Teachers in a certain way mold the society. Consequently, we as future teachers have to be aware that all of our acts after and before being teachers have effects in the society and in our own lives, too. We are going to be models for our students so, let's take it more seriously!

Yes! You can tell me who say that? And, I will say me.. Maybe, you could say come on you aren't serious at all, you are always laughing an lalalal etc. However, I have clear my life's propose and it's become a teacher. Until now, I have gotten all of the goals that I have set up myself. It doesn't make me a winner. But, even you don't believe me.. I'm making effort to get my propose..

Since, I was a child I wanted to be teacher. I have already gotten my wish in a way. I'm nursery school teacher. I have already realized with evidences that I really like to teach. I have had experience on that. And, let me tell you that it is wonderful. It's extremely gratifying to see how children learn from you and how grateful they get. I'm sure that pedagogy is my career. Actually, the subjects that I enjoy the most are exactly that ones, English and Education (Tipe, trech, Intro, etc.). Why English?.. I don't know it has always called my attention but just that. Now, that I have already studied 3 years at the university I can say.. My decision was great. English is important. It's a language that will become international in any moment.

I’m totally happy with my career. I can notice that I enjoy studying this. It’s not like an obligation for me.

About what tools we, as future teacher could need in the future.. I don’t think they are just books, technology and lot of those stuffs. We just need to be creative and innovator. Methodologies that teachers use have a strong relevance in their students learning. They must be didactic and varied to don’t lose their attention. What else?

Well, I don’t know what else I can say.. I really love my career and I hope become the teacher that I want to be..


The same stupid and mad girl of the other day..

4 Responses
  1. Jorge Molina Says:

    I just wanted to make a comment about the picture you posted.
    who the heck goes to school in the middle of January!?!?!?!?! hahahaha
    that was it!

  2. Fran Says:

    Jotiti, I hope you could realize your wish of being a good teacher because you are so smart,
    Love you enojona XOXOXO

  3. Laloca Says:

    Jorge: I do!.. Last summer I was working in a kinder garden the whole summer vacations.. Maybe, not schools but kinder gardens yes xDDDD
    And the picture looks like a kinder garden classroom jaja!

    Fran: I'm not "enojona" at all.. It just didn't happen in the best moment jiji.. And, i love you too.

    Sandra: You are a lazy woman.. what do you want me to say? xDDD If you didn't read my post it doesn't mean that nobody is going to read it.. you see?.. I just went myself in the vola writting xDDDDD I couldn't avoid it.. jajajaja

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Great Jotie! I know you are going to be an excellent professional in the future. Just trust in yourself. Have a nice holidays! tikitikiti

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